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Adventures in Azeroth (WoW Classic style) - A World of Warcraft Blog

Squeaker's first day in Azeroth.

I'd been feeling the urge to blog again, but I never know what to blog about. So I thought I'd try blogging something silly, something I'm sure no one else would be interested in but that will amuse me no end. So here we are! This is a blog documenting the adventures of Squeaker. A small, pink haired gnome beginning a new life on a World of Warcraft 'Wrath of the Lich King' Classic realm.

I chose to play WoW classic for a few reasons - I've been out of the game a long time, and Wrath was really when my heart belonged to it. I spent many, many hours playing during Wrath and whilst we can't go back in time for real, we can have a bit of escapism and pretend.

So here he is, in all his gnome glory. We find ourselves in Coldridge Valley, where poor Gnomeregen lies dormant and infested - thank goodness, I hate that dungeon.

A WoW Classic gnome mage with pink hair, moustache and beard.